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We Are Mike Brown

Dublin Core


We Are Mike Brown


I've watched a community gather as one to mourn the loss of one of their own.
Whether it was marching, chanting, praying, yelling, creating art, sharing stories,
I've watched citizens express their grief through many ways.
I've watched children chant for their future.
I've watched a hundred people gather around a drumset and release their energy as one.
There have been many raw and genuine emotions on display, many of which I will never be able to fully understand.
It is immensely powerful and inspiring to watch as so many people come together with a chance to let their frustrations and emotions out.
While I was there I recorded a lot of audio and have created something that attempts to accurately show what I experienced.
I hope I've done it justice. All credit and thanks go to the very welcoming community in Ferguson.


Chuck Crittenden


August 17, 2014



Chuck Crittenden, “We Are Mike Brown,” Documenting Ferguson, accessed May 8, 2024,

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